12: Creatively Use and Respond to Change
Creatively Use and Respond to Change
“We can have a positive impact on inevitable change by carefully observing, and then intervening at the right time.”
🦋 About the Principle
This principle reminds us that change is a constant. Even if we do everything “right,” we will still face unexpected challenges, shifts, and opportunities. Adapting to an evolving world is not only constant, it is a natural part of being in the world.. While change often feels uncomfortable, it’s not inherently bad. In fact, it opens the door for growth, creativity, and resilience.
I love the framing from Oldster, a publication that invites people of all ages to reflect on the idea that “we are all as old as we’ve ever been.” This perspective normalizes change as something universal and inclusive, allowing us to embrace where we are in life without fear of what’s ahead.
In our lives, there are many ways we are already changing—our bodies, our relationships, our surroundings. This principle encourages us to meet those changes with flexibility and creativity, cultivating a mindset that sees opportunity and possibility in every shift.
🌱 Responding to Change in Your Life
Where am I facing shifts and changes in my life? Where am I resistant to change? Where am I excited about change?
Where can I be more creative and intentional in the things that are shifting in my life? Where can I bring my skills, abilities and resources to bear on what is shifting?
In what circumstances is it easy for me to be flexible and to adapt to change? In what circumstances is it harder for me to be flexible and adapt to change?
🌐 Responding to Change in Your Community
How is my community changing? What are the big changes? The smaller and more subtle changes?
What changes have felt easy to accept and what changes are harder to accept? How are we responding to the changes we have as a group?
🌿 Examples in the Natural World
Seasons - Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter - these are the seasons we think of but perhaps each location has smaller seasons that are specific to your area. What time of year are certain flowers likely to bloom? When do the leaves change? When is the air crisp? Noticing the seasons in your area may be more specific than the categories we typically think of.
Time of day - As the sun moves through different parts of the day, the light is different and the weather shifts too.
Moon Cycles - We may not always be aware of the moon cycles, but if we spend a bit of time paying attention, what might we notice about the tides, the amount of light we see at night?
🌀Integrating this Principle
Noticing the changes and sitting with them is a starting place for working with change. Perhaps if this hard, noticing where the changes we notice are challenging for us and where we welcome the changes.
Practice flexibility by being willing to respond to and adapt to daily interruptions, everyday mistakes and even problems. Ask yourself: How can I adapt creatively to this new situation?
Celebrate life’s transitions, both big and small. Marking when have accomplishments or completions, creating small rituals and ways to honor seasons in our year and also seasons in our lives.
Talk to people in your life about the changes they’re experiencing and try to understand and learn from what shifts they’re seeing right now. How can we support each other when we’re going through changes?
📖 Resources for Further Exploration
Written by Beth M. Duckles. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. Contact me.